Unghie fatte in casa: bastano solo 3 step con la Dip manicure

Homemade nails: just 3 steps with the Dip manicure are enough

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Hands represent one of the most important parts of the body: these are like a business card, they speak more than a thousand words. This is precisely the reason why it is necessary to maintain a well-groomed appearance by carrying out treatments capable of protecting the skin from cracking and, equally important, capable of coloring the nails in such a way as to give your look a personal touch.

Very often, however, applying the nail polish is more complex than expected, as the final result is often disappointing, especially if the manicure is done independently . So how can you get perfect nail coloring even at home? Fortunately there is a way, it consists of the Dip Manicure, a method that replaces the classic semi-permanent or gel nail polish with powders capable of guaranteeing a duration equal to 4 weeks.

A technique that has recently come into the limelight, the Dip Powder allows you to color your nails simply by dipping your fingers into powders characterized by an acrylic composition of very high quality.

By virtue of the great effectiveness that distinguishes this technique and the significantly reduced costs, many companies are offering kits containing only products intended to be used in this way. These include, without a shadow of a doubt, also Torrid Nails, an Italian company capable of satisfying even the highest quality standards thanks to the creation of extremely effective and, at the same time, totally safe products.

Let's discover together some more details about the Dip Powder technique, capable of ensuring a perfect manicure even without the use of a UV lamp.

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How Dip Powder Manicure Works

As anticipated in the previous paragraph, in order to create a professional manicure using Torrid Nails powder nail polish it is necessary to have manual skills and a minimum of experience, however it is possible to state that the creation of a manicure of this type can be carried out much more simply and quickly than that based on semi-permanent gel.

In this sense, the procedure is divided into three different phases, each of which can be easily completed inside your home.

You start by preparing your nails normally and, after degreasing and cleaning them carefully, you will need to apply the base nail polish provided inside the Torrid Nails kit.

Only subsequently and, after having applied a further layer of base coat, will it be possible to dip your fingers into the acrylic powder enamel. The process ends with the use of the activator, which will allow the product to attach to the nails optimally.

As far as drying is concerned, the great advantage of the Dip System is that you do not have to use the stove, an instrument that takes several minutes to complete the nail polish drying process. To complete the manicure, just let the nail polish dry on its own, in just over a few moments.

The result obtained with Dip Powder Nails is a perfect manicure, simple to perform and capable of not taking up too much time.



Quick and economical home manicure: Dip System


The Dip Powder or Dip System manicure is perfect for home manicures because it is beginner-proof and much cheaper than the beautician's.

Just think that with the cost of two sessions at the beautician you can purchase a kit with everything you need (liquids and colored powders) for a year of home manicures.

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Furthermore, we must not forget that this type of semi-permanent nail polish dries in the air without the use of a UV lamp and does not smudge, because the powder does not stick to the skin.

The advantages of using the Dip Powder system and Torrid Nails products should be clear by now. Among these, the main one concerns, without a shadow of a doubt, the great results that can be obtained from the use of acrylic powder enamel, an option capable of being extremely persistent and, at the same time at the same time, brilliant just like the best semi-permanent gels currently on the market.

A further, important benefit concerns ease of use. As is well known, a professional manicure requires the intervention of an expert, who, thanks to his skills and the professional tools available, will be able to complete a job without smudges. The Dip System allows you to obtain the same results even independently. This manicure, in fact, can also be done at home without necessarily having professional tools, other than our complete kits.

Certainly no less important is the relative advantage to timing. As for the semi-permanent gel, this requires about an hour just to complete the drying process. The exclusive composition of Torrid Nails powder nail polish and any other product useful for creating a manicure with the Dip Powder method, however, does not require UV rays, therefore these nail polishes can be dried naturally and in little more than a handful of minutes.

A last big advantage concerns the price. Our kits with everything inside, in fact, can be purchased for around 70 euros, often the purchase price of the stove alone. Precisely what has just been said allows us to understand with absolute certainty how this method and powdered acrylic nail polish represent one of the solutions most loved by consumers, who are increasingly convinced that semi-permanent is an outdated product.


Why choose the Torrid Nails home manicure kit?


At this point in the reading, many will be wondering why to buy kits like those for performing the Dip System manicure or why to choose the powder nail polish proposed by Torrid Nails. In reality the answer is very easy: because better than any other product currently on the market these manage to combine practicality, excellent value for money and durability.

Opting for these products will therefore allow you to create a color characterized by high shine and resistance of approximately 4 weeks.

The final result can be compared to that obtained thanks to the work of a professional, as it is not only capable of guaranteeing resistance, but also capable of making our nails brighter than ever in just a few minutes. As briefly mentioned previously, the use of Torrid Nails products and the specific kit allows you to create a color capable of lasting up to four weeks, however the duration of the latter can vary based on the speed of growth of the nails.

Torrid Nails powder nail polishes are also tested for the presence of mold, heavy metals and much more.

The company, confident in the quality of its products, makes the results of its quality tests visible on its website.

Thanks to a completely natural drying process, the nail polishes used in the Dip Powder technique are able to cling to the nail even more strongly than the classic semi-permanent gel, ensuring even greater durability and resistance and without damaging the nail.

Although Dip Powder may seem like an easy manicure to create, in reality it is necessary to purchase high quality products and pay attention to every single detail. To obtain satisfactory results, it is therefore preferable to opt for brands capable of guaranteeing quality in every respect, including Torrid Nails. Our kits with everything inside will allow you to proceed quickly and easily, so that you can obtain perfect nails thanks to our bright and persistent colours.

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